Monday, 14 February 2011

Short video editing software compare

Sony vegas
Worked with this some 2 years, till i found Adobe Premiere.
Easy to work with, isn't wery complicated, only didn't like exporting, i think it is easier in Adobe premiere.
Does not need high system requirements, if you have single core pc and want to work with HD files i suggest this one.

Sample video from my friend Dzintars who is into Vegas

Adobe Premiere

More popular than Sony Vegas and a little bit advanced. I am using this software now, it is logicaly made and easy to work with for me. Easy to switch between After Effects and Premiere, for advanced video editing. Easy to use with Photoshop, import Photoshop files and invidual layers. Uses more system power than Sony Vegas. For me it is easyer to export media in Premiere.

my video for school edited in Premiere and AE

Apple Final cut

yeah if you are mac user better dont even look at other software i suggest this one, and AE for some advanced editing. In final cut is the Apple prores422 codec (About it ), with whom you can play real time 4K videos from your RED camera If you have one :D. For normal people it is better to transcode AVCHD files in Apple prores 422 for editing.
Final cut workflow is really similar to Premiere.
Easier than PRemiere and Vegas is when you put in some fotage the software detects it and sugest you best timeline settings, that is useful if you not into video formats, codecs, framerates etc.

Cant find any from my friends sorry

Avid media composer

I had it only one time opened, found it really complex and couldnt import any video it was asking for some sound codecs whom i couldnt get work. But Avid DNxHD codec is useful, you can download it for vegas and for Adobe and work with it.

Chose whatever software you like, still you will need to sit to it for some while.

Main thing is to set sequence, project, timeline setiings the same as video you will use, those you can find on your camecorder or right click on your video and see the details, for exporting use the same framerate, format i suggest .mp4 or .mov, if the file is realy large try to reduce bitrate. See the youtube or vimeo recommendations for video exporting (vimeo).

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